Wednesday, August 12, 2020

How to Prepare Physics for IIT JEE from class 11 -PART 1

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As students enter class 11 after passing matriculation with a good score , most of the students who choose Non-Medical start aspiring for good engineering colleges like IITs,NITs,DTU or IISc. Admission in such prestigious institutes require a herculean target to achieve : JEE Mains and JEE Advance which test the concepts,learning power and analytical skills at the same time. So it is very important for an aspirant to prepare in the best possible way to crack this exam in such a cut throat competition.

                                        Difference between only JEE Main and JEE Main+JEE Advance - eMaths

In this entire series we are going to discuss about how to prepare for such tough exam right from the beginning .
In this article we shall be discussing about PHYSICS preparation strategy for IIT JEE right from class 11.
Students generally start reading Physics in April month the year they enter 11th and then a lot of option comes in front of them :

                                              Thermodynamics for JEE Advanced Exam Preparation: Physics | Shiksha

  • How to prepare for it?
  •  Which topics should I give more importance?
  • Which books should I refer  to?
  • When to start preparing for it?
  • How to practice for numericals in Physics?

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Please read the next passage seriously (may  change your concept about JEE Preparations):
Before answering these questions ,I shall like to discuss one of the major phase a student goes through while preparing for JEE. After starting preparations from April and reading first few chapters from many books like H C Verma, Irodov,Halliday Resnick and as the course proceeds ,they drop the books one by one and searching random on random sites ,how to prepare and which books to choose? How to prepare in one year etc. etc.

                                   concept of physics vol.1 and 2 pdf download. Hc verma volume 1 and ...

These people deviate from their path only because of choosing so many books and not reading even a single book decently ultimately resulting in lack of understanding and incapability to cover up.
By December end, this path leads to such a case where one even cannot solve a simple question which a student reading only for board exam or NCERT can solve.

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This happen because of not having proper understanding about JEE exam and improper guidance resulting with many people not even getting percentile up to 90% in JEE Mains. Believe me ,this is true. And getting a 99% in JEE mains require only a clear basic concepts and Boards level knowledge and the rest depend on how religiously you follow your basic standard books .

                                  JEE MAIN- Paper I – Physics – Electromagnetic Induction and AC ...

( We shall prepare a separate article for JEE Mains exam separately soon: Subscribe our Newsletter for updates as the upcoming articles will help you in cracking JEE easily for sure)


The first and basic book one must have:

Previous Year Question Papers by Arihant.

                                      41 Years' Chapterwise Topicwise Solved Papers (2019-1979) IIT JEE Physics

This book will help you getting a deeper understanding of the exam and which topics one need to focus on and will provide one getting an idea of previous year question papers and certainly worth it. But this book can only be practiced only after you have read from your standard book.


Though this may lead to some contradiction as every one has its own set of books . A few may like H C Verma ,others may like Cengage . Every book is best provided one read it at its best. 

                                         Physics for IIT-JEE- Vol.1: Amit Gupta, Halliday ...
But my personal suggestion will be D C Pandey by Arihant.
It is one of the best work by D C Pandey to help students in understanding of Physics in the best possible way. The way concepts are designed with supporting examples is the extreme professionalism of a writer. It may sound a bit exaggerated but you shall be able to solve 70% questions of JEE mains in one go provided you have solved its Level 1 questions and read every concept thoroughly.

                                               Buy Understanding Physics for JEE Main & Advanced OPTICS & MODERN ...

This book is a masterclass for JEE Advance with the amount and hardness of questions increasing level by level and their problem solving skills based on basic concepts.
D C Pandey series consists of 5 Books ( 3 for 11th and 2 for 12th)
Buy Understanding Physics Mechanics Part 1 Book Online at Low ...Understanding Physics Mechanics Part 2: DC Pandey: BooksUnderstanding Physics for JEE Main & Advanced Waves ...
                    Understanding Physics for JEE Main & Advanced Electricity ...Understanding Physics for JEE Main & Advanced Optics & Modern ...

One cannot ask for a better book than D C Pandey for Physics for Theory as well as numerical part.
Follow this book and more importantly stick to it till your last moment to exam. Just read the last chapter with same intensity as first and do not loose your path once a difficult chapter like Rotation comes .Everyone is not supposed to attempt every question to enter IIT. But basics of every chapter is important and do not ignore the basic concepts (Most important) taught to you by your class teacher ,be it school or coaching.Even you do not have a much high knowledge of a topic but proper basic concepts sometime help you solving through a problem.

Part 2  about how to approach each chapter,which chapter one should focus and detailed analysis for JEE Main and Advance separately for Physics.
Check out Now:

How to Prepare Physics for IIT JEE from Class 11 -Part 2

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