Tuesday, July 7, 2020

World needs to be wary of "Neocolonialism" policy of China

          Paper Cut Out Of A Dragon China Zodiac Symbols Stock Vector ...
(Pic Credit: dreamstime.com)

China's inquitous crave for the maritime empire in South China sea has been a part of the dragon's naked expansionist policy in order to establish an empire similar to those during in colonial era by means of intrusions,through unfair trade practices, stealing data through telecom market or by using the context of Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI) and Regional Comprehensive  Economic Partnership(RCEP). Chinnese President Xi Jinping's metamorphosis into ''Genghis Khan'' thirsting for battlefield glory and territorial overreach has to be exposed on the international stage.


China's debt-trap diplomacy- The New Indian Express
(China's Debt trap policy has been one of dragon's potent weapon to colonize poorer and smaller countries like African countries,Pakistan,Sri Lanka)

China has an evil sight on the potentially strategic beneficial African continent countries especially Kenya where China is all set to occupy Kenya's extremely profitable Mombasa port ,the similar it had done in Sri Lanka ,where Colombo had to hand over the port to the dragon on lease for 99 years due to Sri Lankan impotency to repay the loan.As per ANI,a Kenyan appellate court has ruled that the $3.2 billion railway contract between Kenya and China Road and Bridge Corporation(CPCB) is illegal.It was said that the railway was a public project that should have been subject to a fair transparent procurement process.

Sri Lanka’s recent dealings with China offer a prophylactic tale for several African countries. The way the island nation has ceded control of the strategic port of Hambantota highlights the difficulty of  ‘debt-trap diplomacy’. It present the question of whether developing countries are merely mortgaging their resources and strategic assets to the Dragon.


                                       Making Sense Of The South China Sea Dispute
                                    Pic Credit: Forbes

Talking about the famous South China Sea Dispute,which is also one of the busiest waterways in the world along with overlapping of maritime boundaries of various countries like China,Vietnam,Philippines,Malaysia,Taiwan and Brunei  It has been disputed since a long time but in recent years,it has been a territory subjected to asserting individual supremacy as a global superpower by China and USA.

In a major recent development,The US military "will keep on remaining steadfast" in relationship to a contention among India and China or anyplace else, a top White House official has stated, after the Navy garrisoned two plane carrying warships to the vital South China Sea to upgrade its essence in the locale. 

"Our military may remains steadfast and will keep on remaining steadfast, regardless of whether it's in relationship to a contention among India and China or anyplace else," Meadows said in light of an inquiry the other day.

                                             59 Chinese Apps Banned In India, Removed From Google Play Store ...
(On June 29,Indian government banned 59 Chinese apps to prevent  unauthorised transfers of data to servers located outside India.)

He was informed that India restricted Chinese applications since Indian fighters were killed by Chinese soldiers a month ago and solicited what's crucial the two plane carrying warships - the Ronald Reagan and the Nimitz - and what's America's strategic. 

                                                   US China
                                                        Image Credit:US Navy

The soldiers of India and China are secured an eight-week deadlock in a few zones in eastern Ladakh including Pangong Tso, Galwan Valley and Gogra Hot Spring. The circumstance disintegrated a month ago after the Galwan Valley conflicts that left 20 Indian Army work force dead as the different sides essentially supported their organizations in many regions along the LAC. 

                                                    China and India: The Roots of Hostility – The Diplomat
(Chinese and Indian troops have reportedly engaged in aggressive melee, face-offs and skirmishes at locations along the Sino-Indian border)

The Chinese military on Monday started pulling back soldiers from the Galwan Valley and Gogra Hot Spring after National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held extensive chats on Sunday. Doval and Wang are additionally the exceptional delegates on the India-China limit talks.

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